Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So it is 3AM here and we just went to lunch. We went to JolliBee which is the equivalent to McDonalds. So I ordered a burger, fries and drink. The burger wasn't all that good so I decided to purchase the 5 shangai roll meal. It comes with rice and 5 spring rolls. As we are walking out of the place there is a kid that can't be all but 13 years old, possibly younger. He was going table to table picking up scraps of chicken bones and eating what he could get off of them. He was picking up the left over cups and glasses and drinking what was in the cups. He was really dirty and didn't have any shoes. Remind you, it is 3AM here. What is a 13 year old kid doing in the streets at this time of day? I asked him if he was hungry and he said yes. I felt so bad for him. I gave him my to go order of spring rolls and rice. It brought a tears to my eyes to see this little kid going through such hardship. I know most of you don't think I have feelings like this. I am a tough girl!!!

One of my co-workers (Tony) served his LDS mission here. He was with me. He told me that this is very normal here and there are many "street kids" like this. They do not have parents to take care of them. I don't know why these children don't have parents. They could have died in some war over here or simply couldn't afford to have the child living at home. All I do know is it makes me appreciate the great family I have at home. I am grateful for my parents (Mom and John) for taking care of me so well as I grew to be an adult. For the guidance they gave me to make the right choices in my life. I may not have made all the right choices but I am not in prison or dead.

I am grateful for all my siblings (full, step and half). We may not all see eye to eye but I know I love them for their open minds and for taking me as I am.

I am also very grateful for my girlfriend Melissa. I do not know what I would do without her and I am so excited for her to come visit me here in Cebu. The last 7 years of my life with her have been wonderful. I can't wait to see what the next 7 brings and the next 7 after that.

The next time I am home and I get upset that I do not have a Coke or a gallon of milk to drink, I will be grateful that I can hop in my truck and drive about 1 mile to Harmons and get whatever it is I need. That I have the money to feed myself and buy the items I need to live. I wont get upset with Melissa for not mowing the lawn. At least I have a lawn to mow.

I think that is the most open I have been about my feelings on just about anything on the internet. It was very touching to me and made me realize just how much I have in my life.

Until next blog, ROCK ON!


Christi said...

What about me???? Just kidding! This was an amazing and humbling post. I don't care what anyone says, your a softy at heart. Luv ya girl!

Aly said...

I second Christie...I've always known your a softie:)

This was a very touching post, every once in awhile it is nice to have a little reality check on how nice we all really have it. Thanks for opening up and sharing your experience with us!

And WOW, seven years!?! How time flies! That is awesome that she gets to come join in on the trip! I am so happy for you that you have found the love of your life...it doesn't get any better than that (especially when they mow the lawn, I can't stand exploding dog poop)!

kathy savage said...

Way to go Beck. You made me proud to be you Mom. You also made me cry. Family is everything. Without that you have nothing. I love you with all my heart and would be lost without you!