Sorry I haven't posted much for such a long time. Not that anyone cares to be honest. We have been so busy with football and softball and camping that I haven't had time to post.
Things are going well and it looks like it is going to be a busy summer. We had our first football game back at the end of March in Las Vegas. We had a blast and didn't play too bad. We either tied or lost by one touchdown. It was simply a scrimmage so score wasn't really kept officially. It was a blast.

Other than on or about play 5 or 10, Melissa went down in pain. She didn't even get tackled or anything. She just went down. After waiting 2 weeks or so for all the doctors appointments and MRI, she has a completely torn ACL that requires surgery to fix.
Now this sucks for her since last summer she had the injured wrist and couldn't really do much. No wakeboard, softball or just about anything. After careful review (and a really pricey knee brace that was especially made to fit her) she has decided to wait until September to have the surgery.
She is still playing football at about 80-90% and seems to be ok playing softball. We have only had one softball game so far. Game 2 is tonight. I will keep everyone posted. With this bionic knee brace she will be able to wakeboard and tube on the boat. It was miserable last year to watch her just sit on the boat and not be able to wakeboard and have fun. Hopefully this year will be different.
We played Boise on April 18th her in SLC. We got our butts handed to us 20-60. They definitely brought a different team to play against us this year. Come to find out they are funded by Boise State University and this year they required 75% of the team be students from BSU. That explained a lot about their line being a bunch of 20 something year old girls. They were a much better team this year. We were supposed to play them in Boise the weekend after they killed us. Needless to say we canceled that trip. I think they are re-scheduling it sometime in May. I will let you know.
We also did our anual trip to Moab on Easter weekend. Once again we had a blast. We hiked Cable Arch and took our yearly picture in the same spot.
Needless to say we had a great time and can't wait to go again next year.
We have also invested some money in a swing set for our back yard. This way when "tornado" (Jaxon - Melissa's Nephew) comes over, he has something he can play on. All of my nieces and nephews will enjoy it as well. It isn't completely done yet due to weather limitations. However, it is useable at this point and we should be able to finish putting it all together by this weekend.
That's about it for now. Until I blog again, ROCK ON!!!!