If you would like to view some additional pictures I have taken, please visit the link below.
I should have my halloween photos up soon.
Such a cute little birdie. I know it is hard to see. The kid to the far right with his hand on his chin is doing the Filipino sign for "gwapa". This means handsome. All the kids posed everytime I took their picture. I miss the kids!
Not much more to update on at this point besides our softball tournament yesterday. We ended up playing 7 games during the tournament. Two on Friday night (no snow) and 5 on Saturday (with lots of snow and wind). We ended up taking 2nd place. Not too bad for a bunch of old ladies and a few young men!
Until I blog again, ROCK ON!
Here is the kicker. Since Melissa carpools with a co-worker, I get to drive the car every other week. It will save us a ton of money on gas since my big truck gets less than half the MPG that this gets. It is so weird going from driving a huge truck to this little car. I don't feel as protected when I drive it. I am sure I will get used to it.
We played in a softball tournament this last Saturday. Due to the horrible weather, it was postponed until last night. We ended up taking 2nd place. We lost by one run (14-15). It was a great game and I love the team we are playing for. They are fun and very talented. We will be going to St. George on October 17th to play in the Halloween Tournament. It will be the last games of the year. I am excited to play again!
Thanks for reading! Until I blog again, ROCK ON!