Hello from the Philippines! So Melissa and Becky Brown made it here and we have been so busy I haven't even had time to upload my pictures. I did get a few uploaded. Check them out here:
As soon as they arrived at the airport last Saturday, we picked them up there and went straight to Cebu Port to catch a ferry to Bohol. After 25 hours of travel, I am sure the girls were more than excited to go straight from the airport to the ferry for a 2 hour boat ride. Once we got to Bohol, we checked into our hotel and chilled for a while. The beach there was amazing. The sand was so soft. The tide was way way way low so we didn't snorkel much. So we decided to just wade out into the water. Well about 3 minutes into that I hear Melissa, "owie owie owie". As she is trying to get back to the beach I go over to her. She has stepped on a sea urchin and has 2 thorn like items in her foot. So, we sit down and send Tonya and Becky B to get something to try and get it out. The lifeguard came over and put ammonia on them. This didn't pull them out of her foot but made them soft so they would just dissolve. To this day (5 days later) they are still in there but not hurting anymore.
On Sunday we hired a driver to take us on the Bohol tour. Our first stop was Chocolate Hills. When we get there, we decide to rent some ATVs with a guide.

We had an amazing time. Here are a few pictures of what we saw.
Kid just playing in the tree.

More kids! They loved to see us and waved and were yelling hello!
Ox working hard. The ox stunk so bad.
Chocolate Hills

So we had a great time in the Chocolate Hills. I really liked seeing the rice fields and the locals just hanging out and working and playing. Our buggy broke down but you couldn't have asked for a more beautiful place to break down. We were broke down for about 30 minutes. It was amazing!
After Chocolate Hills, we got back in the van and went on a river tour for lunch. The food was pretty good and the scenery was amazing as well. After this we went to see the worlds smallest primate. They are called Tasiers. They are so tiny. Check out my Flickr account for pictures.
We are going to Boracay this weekend. It should be more chilling on the beach and just hanging out. I am sure I will have tons of pictures from there as well.
So, until the next time I blog, ROCK ON!